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FHITpros Tell All: What it's Like Being a Trainer in NYC

Updated: Oct 10, 2018

Let's face it, you're obsessed with your favorite fitness instructor, whether you take class with them or follow them religiously on the 'gram. I mean, they are basically superhuman. NYC group fitness instructors are teaching AT LEAST 12 to 14 classes a week, sometimes (a lot of the time) back to back to back - and still they manage to support and inspire you when you feel like passing out. But, um, when do they sleep? How do they manage to wind down or do their own gym routine? Well, Daury Dross and Ben Wegman, Fhitpros at one of my favorite workout hot spots Fhitting Room gave me the run down on what it's really like being a top tier fitness instructor. 

Check out my exclusive interview with them and then sign up for your next sweat sesh!

Special thanks to: @drossfit @benwebejammin!

How would you define your idea of being fit and healthy?

Ben: First and foremost self-care, so it's really about taking care of yourself and whatever your body needs because it's different for every person. So that means yes, you're doing some sort of physical activity but you're also getting enough rest, and you are taking care of yourself emotionally and psychologically - that's what really encompasses being a healthy human being.

You inspire people to become as passionate as you when it comes to fitness….What made you want to turn your passion into a profession?

Daury: For me personally, I always struggled with weight and bullying as a kid so when I went into high school I got into fitness and it has always been a part of my life. I've been doing it professionally now for 10 years and it's such a rewarding and motivating feeling when you can impact someone to create a better version of themselves.

How do Fhitting Room workouts differ from other workouts out there?

Ben: It is ALWAYS a total body workout. We are always hitting every single part of your body AND we are doing it quickly, efficiently and safely. That's another thing, it's not one instructor teaching 60 people in a room. We have two instructors actively watching and correcting everyone, making sure you're progressing and getting stronger and smarter as you work out.

Fueling your body from workouts and living lean takes work. What’s your typical meal plan?

Daury: Recently I've lost a lot of weight, probably 40 pounds from my heaviest and 25 pounds from my shoulder surgery. So I'm very high protein because I wanted to hold on to my muscle mass.

Breakfast: 5 egg whites, avocado and sausage 

Snack: Protein Shake

Lunch: Whole wheat pasta, chicken, spinach, with a side of sweet potato. I don't deplete carbs especially since I'm teaching a lot throughout the day, I need the energy.

Dinner: I always have a kale salad with some sort of protein (shrimp, chicken, egg) tomatoes, apple cider vinegar dressing and balsamic vinaigrette!

Water: I try and drink at least, at least a gallon a day!

How do you find balance in between workout out (for yourself), personal training, and life!?

Ben: It's hard. It's a constant challenge and I'm not always successful to be completely honest, but I think it comes back to the idea of self care. I have to take care of myself because if I'm not putting myself first, I'm not taking care of my clients and I'm not being a good instructor. 

Daury: My kids and my wife are a HUGE reason why I do what I do. My wife and I just had our second child and I love to inspire them. It's tough for moms to conceive and get back to their original weight or to be better than they were before, so if I can support her the way she supports me that's great. I'm a young father and my goal is to have my boys be my workout buddies when they get older. So I just want to continue to practice what I preach for them.

What's your favorite "healthy" treat!?

Daury: I like Lenny and Larry's Complete cookies. They are gluten free and don't have a bunch of processed ingredients. I just pop one in the microwave and call it a night.

Ben: Avocado, avocado, avocado. That is my go-to snack for everything! In the summer, watermelon, that's my jam.

Who are some of your other favorite instructors?

Ben: I love Kira Stokes. Stoked 360 kills me every time! I think she is so knowledgeable, I think classes are so smart and well put together, I am always learning from her and she is always challenging me.

Daury: When I have time in my schedule I usually do things out of the norm and I go to my guy Jason Tran at Swerve. Jason is a one of a kind - I mean the sass, the music! I'm very much into hip-hop and he incorporates everything and anything you could think of. It's also a blessing to have him on our Fhitting Room team.


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